Recommended for Writing Memoir

Write Your Memoir: One Story at a Time

by Susie H. Baxter

This manual evolved from my five-week course on writing memoirs. It’s packed with writing prompts, exercises, questionnaires, assignments, and resources to help prod your memory and guide you to write a cohesive memoir.

Writing Your Life History:  A Journey of Self-Discovery

by Dr. Hilda K. Ross

I used this manual when I wrote C.G. & Ethel: A Family History, and I have used it in the classes I teach.

Your Life as Story

by Tristine Rainer

51HqypiIuGLRainer says we can all find important messages in our lives: “Like Mary Karr or Frank McCourt, we can shape those stories into dramatic narratives that are compelling.”

Once the thread is found, you will be able to better decide what is important to include in your memoir and what to leave out.

Recommended for Revising & Editing

Getting the Words Right

by Theodore A. Rees Cheney

Cheney tells you how to improve your work with three basic revision techniques: reduction, rearranging, and rewording.  Follow his advice and you’ll revise your way to better, more concise, and clearer writing.