In Passing

In the distance

on the shoulder of the highway

a parked dilapidated pickup leaned

toward a meadow sprinkled

with Black-Eyed Susans

and pink and purple Phlox.


Among the wildflowers,

ambled a balding elderly man

along with two small children

hardly more than toddlers,

each clutching bouquets.


Starting for the truck, all three

stopped, stooped,

and stole another blossom.


Whose day, I wondered,

would soon be brightened

by hand-picked flowers,

as the scene itself

brightened mine.



6 thoughts on “In Passing”

  1. What a beautiful picture you have painted. I can just imagine who those flowers are for. Such beauty all around us if we take the time to look. Thanks for reminding me of this 🙂

  2. You have given the reader a lovely image. I like the use of concrete detail that really paints the picture for us: “ambled a balding, elderly man” Kaye

  3. John, Connie, Ann-Marié, and Kaye, I am most grateful for your comments, especially since I know the strength of your writing.

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